Recipe of vegetable fried rice


Vegetable fried rice
No. of portion: 4

1.8 Ingredients

 Basmati Rice ,Ginger Garlic ,Carrot Beans Qty. 500 Unit,

Method: Prepare a plain pulao without whole Garam masala.

Cool and break the lumps.

2. Heat oil, add chopped ginger and garlic

3. Add Brunoise of carrot, beans, cabbage, spring onion and sauté


4. Add cooked rice. Add Soya sauce, Ajinomotto, salt, pepper,

5. Fry together. Quality Standards:

 • Rice must be well cooked and well separated. • Colour must be off white.

• It should be aptly seasoned and not oily gms 5 gms 5 gms 50 gms 50 gms Cabbage Spring Onion ,

Soya Sauce Salt 100 gms 50 gms ml To Taste Ajinomotto Optional)

To Taste tawa or oven. Oil 20 ml Pepper 2 gms


• Egg fried rice: Add scrambled egg instead • Chicken fried rice:

Add boiled and chopped boneless chicken while preparing egg fried rice. • Mix fried rice:

Add juliennes of roasted lamb/beef/pork, batter fried and sliced fish, prawns, squid, ham, bacon etc.


• Rice must be cooked to slightly firm texture.
But it should not provide a bite.

• Rice prepared as plain pulao, when cooled, does not break or become soggy sasily. 

Rice could be boiled if not confident in preparing rice by absorption method.

• Rice must be fried in small quantities along with the vegetables in a wok or a frying pan.

• if required to be prepared in bulk the rice and sautéed vegetables may be mixed off the hot plate to prevent the rice from getting mashed.

• H one needs to avoid Ajinomotto then powdered chicken cubes or vegetable cubes could be added according to the type of fried rice being prepared carrots, 

band cabbage. A SHOT ON OPPO

Pankaj Yadav

My name is Vishal Gupta from hospitality industry Know more about me

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