Recipe of chicken chilly


         Recipe of chicken chilly

No. of portion: 4
5.8 Unit Qty.

Unit Ingredients Pepper Ginger Ingredients Qty.
Unit gms 500 gms Chicken gms

75 ,15 gms Cornflower gms gms 75 15

gms Maida gms Garlic 50 gms Eggs Ajinomotto Soya Sauce Capsicum

Kashmiri Red Chilly Nos.

30 gms gms gm ml Stock 300 ml ml Salt To Taste Oil 50 ml

Method: 1. Cut the chicken into cubes or boneless strips.

2. Marinate chicken with cornflower, refined flour, eggs, Ajinomotto, Soya sauce, salt, pepper, ginger, garlic paste.

3. Heat oil and deep fry chicken.

4. Deseed, boil and grind Kashmiri red chilies to a fine paste.

5. Cut capsicum in sizes and shapes matching with the chicken pieces.

6. Sauté chopped ginger and chopped garlic.

7. Add capsicum and Kashmiri red chilly paste.

8. Add stock and salt, pepper, Ajinomoto and Soya sauce (Few drops only)

9. Thicken with corn flour. Add chopped spring onions.

10. Add chicken and remove.

11. Garnish with juliennes of spring onions. Quality Standards:

• The sauce must be of dark red colour, pouring consistency and glossy in appearance.

The quantity of sauce must match the quantity of chicken.

Variations: • Fish chili - Boneless fingers of fish fried in a batter prepared from the ingredients used for marinating the chicken in the above recipe.

The recipe for chilly sauce will be the same, Chilly Gobi - Flowerets of cauliflower batter fried with above mentioned batter in chilly sauce.

• Paneer Chilly - Cubes or diamond shaped pieces of paneer must be batter fried and used instead of Chicken in the recipe. *

Mushroom chilly - Batter fried halves of mushroom in chilly sauce.

Notes: • Chilly chicken may be prepared with gravy along with fried rice or in dry style for parties • Sliced green chilies may substitute red chilly paste.

The sauces

Pankaj Yadav

My name is Vishal Gupta from hospitality industry Know more about me

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