Why beverages served first apart from food?

Why beverage served first apart from food

I know this question is so basic but , answer of this question is not available in a Google or website , according to me

So this question so easy and is answer too easy I think you would be know the answer of this question but might be you don't remembering
If you student of hospitality then this question has come to your mind, or couldn't be

Because this type of questions only can ask student of hospitality management

Take a example 

Let's you assume ,you are playing cricket, and  after the play cricket you tired , and then you will go to house ,

 the things you want that's water , because you would be thirsty if on that situation anyone's give to the tasty food instead of water so then definitely you will angry .

Because of tiredness and thirstyness you will first choose water

You all are know very well that our body made from 70/ of water according to science although we can live without food more than a month but without water we can't live  a single day 

Now that's a example of water

Let's take another example for a beverage

Let's assume you traveling a place without car(transport) and your cloth fulled up with humidity
And suddenly you see the stall of lemon juice then definitely you will buy the lemon juice because of your sweat and humidity after drinking the lemon juice you feel good

So now let's know the why beverage served first apart from food

By reading example, you would be understand

If you would be worked in banquet or restaurant the you would be see the first  we serve the water then startaer and then main course

If you are the from hospitality  industry then you would be know very well that beverage is increase the hungerness (nourishing)

If you are working in a hotel then you would be see that fisrt  we serve the soup to the guest 

Because soup is a nourishing liquid which increases the hungerness of guest 

So that's reason behind we serve the beverage first

If you any doubt you can ask me trough. A comment if possible I will give the answer of your questions

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Pankaj Yadav

My name is Vishal Gupta from hospitality industry Know more about me https://instagram.com/vishal_gupta744?utm_medium=copy_link

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