10 ingredients and their source

 10 ingredients and their source

Friends, today we will tell you about this in some different topics in this post.

 Today's post is completely out of the recipe, today we will not teach anything, 

today we will take some knowledge, that is, we will get some information, 

this post has been told  Read this post about some ingredients about how it happened and where it came.

Our first ingredients is tamato

Tomato is the most commonly used vegetable in the world.

Its old botanical name is Lycoporsican esculentum mill. At present,

it is called Solanum lyco porcican. There are many people who cannot even imagine cooking without tomatoes.

[2] It originated in the South American Andes.

Its use as a food began in Mexico and spread through the Spaniards colony of the United States to the world.

Our second ingredients is onion

Onions were used in various dishes even 4000 years ago.

This was learned from an article in the Mesopotamian period,

which was first read by a French archaeologist in 1985.

In terms of production, onion is grown in most countries of the world.

India and China produce 45 percent of the onion production in the world,

but it is not in the top countries of the world in terms of food.

Our thrid ingredients is garlic

Garlic is a species of onion clan (Alliaceae). Its scientific name is Allium sativum L.

Its close relatives include onions, this shallot and green onions.

Garlic has been used since ancient times for both culinary and medicinal purposes. It has a special smell,

and has a pungent taste which changes to a great extent by cooking.

A garlic knot (bulb), which can be further subdivided into several fleshy cloves (cloves or slices),

is the most commonly used part of its plant. Puthi is used for seeds,

consumption (raw or cooked) and for medicinal purposes. Its leaves, stems and flowers are also consumed,

usually when they are immature and soft. Its paper protective layer (peel) which is attached to its various

parts and roots attached to the knot is the only inedible part. It is used in diseases related to throat and stomach.

The compounds of sulfur found in it are responsible for its pungent taste and smell.

Such as alicine, aozyme etc. Garlic is most commonly produced in China followed by India.

Our fourth ingredients is Coriender

Coriander (English: Coriander) or Kothmir is a fragrant green leaf used in Indian kitchens.

In Marwadi language it is called dhana. Its leaves are commonly used as vegetable decoration and fresh spices

. Its seeds are dried and used as dry spices. There are 2 types of coriander,

native coriander has more taste and aroma, it is available to eat in the markets only from December to February.

Hybrid rich is seen more in the markets but it is not very good in taste and aroma.

Our fifth ingredients is ginger

Ginger (Zingiber Officinal Rosk) (Kul: Zinzibirensia) is mainly used as a spice.

India is one of the world’s leading countries in ginger production. In the year 2010-11,

701.9 thousand tons of ginger were produced in the country from an area of ​​149.1 thousand hectares.

Ginger is cultivated in most states of India. Among which Kerala and Meghalaya are the major states.

Our sixth ingredients is chiily

Chilli is a plant fruit of Capsicum lineage, and is a member of the Solanaceae family. In botany,

this plant is considered a berry bush. They are used as a vegetable (capsicum) or as a spice (cayenne pepper),

according to the flavor, pungency and pulp content. It is cultivated to obtain chillies.

Chillies are used in abundance in the Indian subcontinent as pickles.

The birthplace of chilli is South America from where it spread all over the world.

Different varieties are now being grown all over the world. Chilli is also used as a medicine.

The hotness of chilies is due to capsaicin. [1] The red color of chilies is due to capsaethin. Eating chili provides vitamin A

Our seventh ingredients is Patato

Potato is a vegetable. In terms of botany it is a stem.

Its origin is Peru (reference) of South America.

It is the most grown crop after wheat, paddy and maize. In India it is grown exclusively in Uttar Pradesh.

It originates under the ground. India ranks third after China and Russia in potato production.

Our eighth ingredients is black paper

In the botanical world, the undercooked and dried fruits of the vine-like perennial plant called Piper nigrum are called Pepper.

Ripe dried fruits are made by peeling them with white peppers, which is about 5 mm in diameter. It is used as a spice.

Black and white grains of ‘pepper’

Origin and producer country

The origin of pepper plant is believed to be South India. Outside India, it is also cultivated in Indonesia, Borneo, Indochina, Malay, Lanka and Syam, etc.

Black pepper has a very important place in the world famous Indian hot spices, both historically and economically.

It has been described and used in Ayurvedic texts since ancient times. It is also described in thousands of years old history of

different countries of the world like Greece, Rome, Portugal etc. The economic importance of pepper trade was also the

main reason for the discovery of the coastal areas of India’s famous Malabar by sea by Vasco-di-Gama in the 15th century.

our nineth ingredients is capsicum

Capsicum is cultivated all over the world and it is used in all types of dishes.

Capsicum is cooked and raw is also eaten in some dishes. Capsicum originated in South Central America.

It is believed to have been used for the first time in food in 6000 BCE. You can find capsicum in many colors like red, yellow, green etc.

But do you know how many vitamins and minerals are there in this vegetable whose properties can help you to eliminate the diseases inside you.

Our tenth ingredients is bey leaf

Cassia refers to a fragrant leaf of bay laurel (Laurus nobilis, Lauraceae).

Fresh or dried bay leaves are used in cooking for their distinct taste and aroma.

These leaves are often used for flavoring in Mediterranean dishes such as soups, stews, braises and patte.

Fresh leaves are very dim and do not develop their full flavor until they are broken and dried for several weeks. [1]

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Pankaj Yadav

My name is Vishal Gupta from hospitality industry Know more about me https://instagram.com/vishal_gupta744?utm_medium=copy_link

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