Does all mother sauces are cold ?| Types of mother sauces | 6 types Of mother sauces

 Does all mother sauces are cold | types of mother sauces |6 types of mother sauces

Why are you think like that all mother sauces are cold ?

Mainly six types of mother sauces which are very important .

. Bechamel/whit sauces
. Veloute
. Espagnole/brown sauce
. Tomato sauce
. Hollandaise sauce
. Mayonnaise sauce

Let's know the derivatives of mother sauces

Bechamel- cream sauce
 Veloute- mushroom sauce
Espagnole- demi glaze sauce
Tomato- barbeque sauce
Hollandaise- mousseline sauce

Mayonnaise sauce- tartare sauce

What is sauce?

Definition:- semi liquid food prepared by blending different ingredients

Bechamel/white sauce:- milk,equal quantity of butter and refine flour cooked together that's call roux

After preparing the roux
 heat the milk ,and then roux mix in milk very well till is not thick

It is not cold sauce

Veloute sauce:-  chopped shallot, crush garlic and chopped it equal quantity of butter and flour cooked together very well and and add some water , after then add brown stock (chicken stock) and whisk it until it is thick.

It is not cold sauce

Espagnole sauce:- prepare mirepoix (celrey,onion,carrot)
equal quantity of butter and flour 
Heat then pen and pour butter to in it ,

and then roast the mirepoix until it is not become light brown ,

after that add a flour and cooked it well when it is become a brown colour,

 then add a tomato pure and cooked it and.

 end of the last add a brown stock and cooked it and  strain it

It is not cold sauce

Tomato sauce:- you know very well how to make tomatao sauce because it is too easy .

If I am explain to you,how it make then post will be to long

It is not cold sauce 

Hollandaise sauce:- it is also called cold mother sauce
Basically it is prepared from egg and oil 

Separate the egg yolk and egg white .
After that take egg youlk and add little bit of vinegar and, add slowly slowly add oil and whisk it until it is not become thick , you can add also salt

It is a cold sauce

Mayonnaise sauce:- it is also called cold mother sauces 
It is prepared by the eggs and oil and vinegar and sugar and salt

Take blender pour the broken egg and add a salt and a sugar and then blend it for 30 second 

After blending ,

the add slowly slowly oil and blend continuously until it is not become thick

It is also cold sauce

Only hollandaise and mayonnaise are cold cold sauce not all are,

Pankaj Yadav

My name is Vishal Gupta from hospitality industry Know more about me

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