How to make carmel custurd
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How to make carmel custurd |
Today, we are learn how to make Carmel custurd
Few information about Carmel custurd
It is a famous sweet of france in this sweet are many types
. Milk (according to you)
. Egg(according to you)
. Sugar
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How to make careml custurd |
Now we start to cook
Step-1 . Take the sugar and melt it in low flame, after melting the sugar , keep the sugar
Step-2 . Take the milk and heat it, and add the sugar in milk , after heating the milk keep it side.
Step-3 . Take the egg and break it , in bowl , after breaking the egg .
Step-4 . And mixed the milk in egg(cast the mil in egg bowl)
Step-5 . Take a big pot and cast the water in pot and , take the mixture egg and milk and keep it in pot of water,
Now pot water keep on the gas(use oven also) and cook for 20-25 minutes
Step-6 . Now your Carmel custurd is ready
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